ConSol for construction and trading is part of ConSol Group a regional player in Construction Solutions. Our value grows with our employees, andwe aim to be leading in our filed. we work with an innovative vision and high accuracy.
Professionally managed organization, with our passion for excellence and dedicated customer Services, we have earned a remarkable position inthe market in products that are excellent in quality and development. We are empowered by a professional team, Our Engineers are well versed withtheir area of specification.
Consol Construction & Trading Aims to be the preferred construction and supplier partner for our clients and to be thebenchmark against which our competitors are measured
Our corporate culture and decision-making are guided by five key values: Excellence – we will surpass industry benchmarks by excelling in health and safety, environmental sustainability, learning and development, and stakeholder relations. Collaboration – we will foster a collaborative yet decentralized approach which encourages dialogue, freedom, flexibility andautonomy, creating a culture of shared success. Innovation – we will challenge the way we work by instilling a culture of innovation, knowledge sharing and support ofentrepreneurial behavior. Integrity – we will value and respect our work colleagues and business partners . Discipline – we will take a proactive approach to getting things done, even if these are outside our immediate sphere of influence.